This is my first post.
I'm 56 years old. I began to grow up, in 1975...When I was "mugged by reality." The Hippie hatred of America...The belief that, TOO MUCH IS NEVER ENOUGH, almost killed me.
I had an epiphany in April of 1975. God introduced Himself to me. I have been a Christian, ever since.
Admitting this fact has made me one of the most despised people that I know. Obviously, I cannot even come close to be as hated as the president, Emmanual Goldstein, David Horowitz, Whittaker Chambers, Ronald Reagan, etc.
It takes too much energy to remain a godless Hippie. It's way too complicated and destructive to pump so much venom and hate, in the name of HOLY PEACE.
It's very, very easy to become a Christian;
Romans Ten Ten,
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. -- Rom 10:9
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. -- Rom 10:10
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. -- Rom 10:9
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. -- Rom 10:10
It is not however, easy to let people know this about me, though...Lest, they want to stone me to death, assassinate my character or label me a Nazifascisthomophoberacistfundy, et al.
I can't wait for your snarling, hateful, pseudo intellectual, fourth grade insults to me. I swat Hippies like flys.
Bring it on, Aging Hippie, Buzz Brained, atheists ...
Yours in God,
Comrades, I'm changing my posting style, so you don't implode before you scroll all the way down...I know how you love to
I have the ability to make you absolutely self destruct. It makes my heart soar like an eagle. LOL!
Can't seem to get any of you little Moon Bats in here to take a swipe at me...Let me show you what I did to a Stalinist on a posting board. The kid's name is ornot. He is responding to me with a quote I supplied with his last post to him. Lil ornot, is supplying a recipe for infant stew.
ornot 6:38 pm
To: dishmael (2153 of 2165)
108109.2153 in reply to 108109.2149
The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it." (Margaret Sanger,founder of Planned Parenthood,in WOMEN AND THE NEW RAGE, p.67.--------------------
Yes our old method was to club them in the head and thow them in the stew pot, today the republicans worship all life, starting with conception and ending with birth.
Some how the stew pot was more humane.
Go in pieces,
Wednesday, Feb. 6,2008
What happened to all the men in America. One of my favorite people in the world is Camille Paglia. She seems to know what reality is.
It's no coincidence that Hillary's staff has always consisted mostly of adoring women, with nerdy or geeky guys forming an adjunct brain trust. Hillary's rumored hostility to uniformed military men and some Secret Service agents early in the first Clinton presidency probably belongs to this pattern. And let's not forget Hillary, the governor's wife, pulling out a book and rudely reading in the bleachers during University of Arkansas football games back in Little Rock.
Hillary's disdain for masculinity fits right into the classic feminazi package, which is why Hillary acts on Gloria Steinem like catnip. Steinem's fawning, gaseous New York Times op-ed about her pal Hillary this week speaks volumes about the snobby clubbiness and reactionary sentimentality of the fossilized feminist establishment, which has blessedly fallen off the cultural map in the 21st century. History will judge Steinem and company very severely for their ethically obtuse indifference to the stream of working-class women and female subordinates whom Bill Clinton sexually harassed and abused, enabled by look-the-other-way and trash-the-victims Hillary.
Thursday, Feb. 7, 2008
Liberals are Lucking Fooney Toons.
The following is a letter to an editor, which I've been told is going to be published. You fools run around with straws in your hair.
To the Editor,
As somebody who has been eviscerated by Political Correctness, I would like to illustrate the mindset of some of you.
I post on a political forum and joust with Leftist, loony, zombies often. One of my posts chronicled how Dartmouth Students carry clear plastic trash bags full of their waste for the holiest week of the Leftist year...Earth Day Week.
I said that if I were able to see my children and were paying for this kind of collectivist idiocy, I would be furious. Here is what he answered back to me;
Have a week where the students practice shooting mannequins dressed as women's health providers, and then launching toy bombs at brown people(pick a nationality, as long as they aren't caucasoid they will do) followed by beating up gay appearing mannequins. And then, to put a glorious end to the week's festivities, (insert drum roll for effect) play a game where all the kids dress alternately as rich people and poor people. The rich people will beat the poor people into submission and take all their assistance programs away. The rich people will then make the poor people serve them food and do all their chores, while they laugh about how they skirt virtually every form of tax while they masturbate to Ronald Reagan speeches. How would that work for you?
I love Big Sister,
Dishmael O God
Fri. Feb. 2, 2008
I've heard a report of a Loony Lefty correspondent, who has taken a couple of shots at John McCain. When the Presidential campaign begins in earnest, I believe Mr. McCain will lose one limb per month (figureatively,) thanks to the lame stream press.
And, by election day, he will be lucky if he still has a head, IMO.
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